Jewel Journal


Today (and always) we’re celebrating the reason we are so lucky to do what we do: the true meaning of love. It makes us thrilled to work in an industry where it’s constantly celebrated and February is a great reminder to go above and beyond: enter SK Love Stories.

I (Kennedy, Social Media Director, speaking!) have had the pleasure of personally knowing Madeline from 5 years old, and Matt for nearly 5 years. In fact, I met him not long after they met, and long before I knew they were going to fall madly in love, move in together, make another state jump to California together (I’ll take credit for this), and eventually get engaged with an SK ring, bringing two beautiful humans I’m so lucky to know even closer yet. And now, I get to celebrate them in another way and I couldn’t be more honored. From college to CA, Madeline and Matt have shared many adventures. Read their charming tale in this week’s spunky SK Love Story.

Names: Madeline Cuniff and Matt Dietz

Current Location: Santa Monica, CA

Meeting Date + Location: August 2017, Boise

Wedding Date + Location: TBD 🙂 Enjoying being engaged

Back to the start of all of this – how did you lovebirds meet?

Mad: We originally met in March of 2017 because our roommates happened to be seeing each other, it was very brief (I remember it well, Matt does not). We re-met each other in August 2017 when I sat next to him in Econ 303. He was immediately in love, obviously.

Madeline and Matt Love Story

Your first date – give us the details.

Mad: Matt asked me to his fraternity formal in Coeur d’Alene, ID for our first date. It’s an 8 hour drive and was an overnight trip, it was literally the most fun road trip of my life.

When did you first say “I love you”? Who said it first?!

Mad: Matt said it first! I believe we were at a tailgate for a football game that fall, surrounded by all of our friends and having so much fun. It was freezing cold and Matt was giving me a big hug to warm me up and I guess it just slipped out hahaha but I obviously reciprocated immediately.

Madeline and Matt Love Story

How or when did you know that your significant other was the one?

Mad: We went from living in the same college town, to long distance from Portland to Boise after graduation. In March 2020, Matt moved in with me in Portland in my 600-square-foot apartment. Shortly after, we both started working from home every day, and went from seeing each other twice a month to spending 24/7 together and constantly having to listen to the other on calls all day. Portland was having a particularly rainy spring, and we spent a lot of time inside the first few months. We both would literally do it all over again in a heartbeat. Like seriously – how were we possibly not SO sick of each other I have no idea!

Madeline + Matt's Love Story

The proposal – please tell us the story!

Matt: I planned to take Maddy to a beach in Malibu with our dog that we often go to. Our best friends (cough cough, Kennedy) came over when we left to grab some extra clothes and very kindly decorate our apartment. Both of our parents were here to surprise her and were told to meet on the PHC to see the magic happen. When we arrived to the Ralphs in Malibu, I got a text from our photographer (who I have never met) that the waves were too big and we could not make it to the beach. Panicking and starting to heavily sweat, we slowly drove to the parking lot to find that we could indeed not get down to the beach. Maddy began to get rightfully frustrated as I tried to scale the rocks and we got back in the car and headed back to Venice. Fully prepared to propose on the side of the freeway, we pulled over to see if we could get down from another angle. Noticing the photographer and our parents watching from a distance, I dragged Maddy down a dirt hill to a small ledge to “watch the surfers” for a minute. Maddy getting more rightfully frustrated that she is now dirty and not equipped to scale a small cliff, was ready to leave when I saw our friends pull up behind our parents out of the corner of my eye. Without falling off the cliff, I dropped to a knee, grabbed the wrong hand and popped the question. She thankfully said yes and we had a wonderful afternoon with family and friends, grateful of how everything worked out.

SK Love Story

SK Love Story

What is your favorite thing about your significant other?

Matt: Her attitude, drive, compassion for others, always there for me, my forever best friend.

Mad: Matt has this way of making everyone feel special, when he is speaking to you or asks you a question, you genuinely feel that he cares and is listening. He makes people feel heard and important and I think it’s such a special quality. Also my forever best friend. 

Do you have any notable stories that have stood out over the years – hilarious, sentimental, anything!

Mad: A month or so after we met, on a random Tuesday during fall semester I asked Matt if we should drive 3 hours to some hot springs and go car camping. He immediately said yes and we left within the hour. Little did I know, Matt had a supply chain test the next day. When he finally told me, he said he studied all weekend and was good to go. Shocker, Matt did not study and completely failed his test and the entire class. Matt would say he was just falling so in love with me he had to go camping and be spontaneous with me.

SK Love Story

What’s your go-to date night idea?

Mad: I’m lucky enough that Matt often will make us a fancy dinner for a date night at home, but living in LA we love to try new restaurants since all the food is soooo good. You’ll find us at a new spot at least once a week. We also love brewery hopping, dive bars, and takeout Night Market on the couch at home. Oh and also morning beach walks with coffee from Little Lunch!

Let’s talk jewels – how did you choose this ring?! Who took the reigns on designing or choosing your ring? Give us all the deets.

Matt: A wonderful and deeply loved friend that also happens to work at Sofia Kaman educated me on the different diamonds and designs (hi again, Kennedy). After multiple visits to Sofia Kaman we found the perfect piece, with the only direction from Maddy being “it better cover my knuckle or I don’t want it.”

SK Love Story

Our Oval Annika design looking stunning off of PCH.

How is wedding planning experience? What’s been different about wedding planning than you imagined? 

Mad: We haven’t even gotten to thinking about what our wedding will look like. We are truly just having so much fun being engaged. But what we do know – our wedding will be big enough to host our gigantic families and our friends, with lots and lots of alcohol. As sappy as it sounds, I feel like our love is so special that it makes me really excited to share it with the people we love. Part of me feels like eloping would be so wonderful, but it actually makes me sad to think about the people we love not being able to witness this special relationship we have in such a romantic and intimate way.

What are you most excited about for your wedding?

Mad: Saying our vows and crying uncontrollably with all our family and friends!

Matt: Agree, I literally can’t wait to write my vows.

Will there be a there a honeymoon involved? 

Matt: YES! We’re doing Paris & Saint Tropez 🙂 Hopefully something else in there!!

SK Love Story

Alright – so what does the future hold for the two of you?! Where do you see yourselves in 5 years?

Matt: Married, happy and healthy as hell, little babies running around and calling dad their favorite 🙂

Mad: I unfortunately fully agree, in no world do kids love me more than Matt.

Finally, if you could add any piece to your SKFJ collection, which one would it be?!

Mad: I LOVE the rings with black diamonds! They are so chic and I would happily rock one on my finger.

Do you have an SK Love Story to share!? Submit it here for your chance to be featured next.


Can you feel the love… because we can. Valentine’s Day is around the corner and we’ve been enjoying all the love that’s come through our showroom doors so far this month. And what better way to celebrate the month of Cupid other than with another SK Love Story? Read on for a sweet tale of Tatiana and Alvin, a beautiful couple that we had the pleasure of working with to make ring dreams come true!

NamesTatiana Dannenbaum and Alvin Hsia

Current location: New York

Meeting date + location: San Francisco, November 2018

Wedding date + location: TBD! We are still deciding on what kind of wedding we want! 


Back to the start of all of this – how did you lovebirds meet?

We met in San Francisco! We had matched on Bumble but quickly found out that we were basically neighbors. 

Your first date – give us the details.

Tati: When we initially matched on Bumble we were both about to leave on trips, so Alvin set a calendar reminder to message me in 3 weeks when we’d both be back in town. When we finally met up for our first date, we went to @dandelionchocolate on Valencia street in San Francisco. We talked for hours, shared our first kiss, and made plans to go to a concert together the following week.


When did you first say “I love you”? Who said it first?!

Alvin: I said “I love you” first after about 6 months of dating. I could tell Tati had been feeling it since the beginning, but I appreciated that she gave me the space to fully develop my feelings in my own time. 

How or when did you know that your significant other was the one?

Alvin: A few months into dating, we were at Tati’s apartment getting ready to leave on a road trip, and she suggested we bring some snackies for the road and casually sliced up some bell peppers, and threw some olive oil, lemon and flaky salt on top and like that, a snack materialized. She told me she made us some tasty peps, and in that moment I just had a flash forward of her making snacks for our kids one day –  it was so simple, but in that moment I knew I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. 

Tati: I knew *immediately* upon meeting him. When he began speaking, my brain flashed through all of the chapters of our life together – I saw us dating, falling in love, getting married, becoming parents and grandparents together. I’d never had an experience like this before, so I attempted to act casual, even though I just met THE ONE.  


The proposal – please tell us the story!

Alvin: I proposed to Tati in Copenhagen – one of our favorite cities. I got the ring about 2 months before our trip, and spent a ton of time planning a super special moment. I knew I wanted to propose at Grundtvig’s Kirke because of the iconic architecture, and I worked with an incredible local photographer @ievaviphoto who helped me plan out all of the details. I had thought I was being very sneaky, but she’s a Scorpio and had totally caught on – she had even been documenting all of the clues leading up to the moment. 

Tati: The proposal was the most joyful moment of my life. As soon as Alvin turned to me and said “Tati, can I tell you something?” I knew exactly what was happening, and I started crying the happiest tears I’ve ever cried. I might cry again thinking about that moment!

What is your favorite thing about your significant other?

Alvin: It’s impossible to just pick one. My favorite things about Tati are how kind, beautiful, principled, smart, and creative she is. She also has amazing taste in pretty much everything. 

Tati: Unquestionably, his warmth. He’s the warmest person I’ve ever met. 


Do you have any notable stories that have stood out over the years – hilarious, sentimental, anything!

Tati: When we met on Bumble, I had 2 screening questions for him. For my first question, I asked if he liked cats, and for the second question, I asked if he was a feminist. I’m so grateful that he said yes to both. 

What’s your go-to date night idea?

We live in the West Village in NYC, so we love to pop into all of the iconic Italian spots and add our name to the waitlist, and see who we get a call from first! It’s always extra fun when we end the night at a jazz club.


Let’s talk jewels – how did you choose this ring?! Who took the reigns on designing or choosing your ring? Give us all the deets.

Alvin: We had checked out a few designers in New York, but didn’t find anything we loved. Tati and I talked about what we liked and didn’t like, and we were very aligned in the vision for the dream ring. A few months later, Tati got home from a trip to LA, and she sheepishly and excitedly told me she tried on some rings in LA with her mom, and she found one that she fell in love with. She showed me photos, and I thought it was perfect – I got in touch with the wonderful Lisa at Sofia Kaman and bought it within the week. 

Tati: A friend sent me Sofia Kaman’s profile on Instagram, and I fell in love with all of her designs. A few months later, I was in LA and visited the Sofia Kaman boutique in Santa Monica with my mom. I tried on a few rings and adored them all, but as soon as the champagne oval Billie was on my finger, I knew it was the one. The Billie is the prettiest thing I’d ever seen, and it felt like the ring had proposed to me – just like in Harry Potter when his wand picked him, I felt like this Billie picked me. I didn’t want to get too attached to that particular ring or stone, but I knew immediately Alvin would love it as much as I did. 


How is wedding planning experience? What’s been different about wedding planning than you imagined?

We’ve only been engaged for a few months so we haven’t started planning yet, but we are a great team when it comes to travel planning! We are both designers, so we find a lot of joy in bringing ideas to life together. Alvin’s better with the bigger picture planning, and Tati is really good with the little details, so we are excited to see how that translates to wedding planning. 

What are you most excited about for your wedding?

Alvin: The first moment locking eyes with Tatiana as she’s walking down the aisle.

Tati: It’s a tie between exchanging vows and our first dance. 

Will there be a honeymoon involved?  

1 million percent yes – we’ve been talking about Japan!


Alright – so what does the future hold for the two of you?! Where do you see yourselves in 5 years?

We’re not sure where we will be in 5 years, possibly still in NYC, but possibly back in California, but I definitely see us living in a home with multiple kittens, maybe a puppy… and possibly a baby (or two!)

Finally, if you could add any piece to your SKFJ collection, which one would it be?!

Tati: I’m beyond obsessed with these earrings – I’m imagining how cute they would look stacked together with other piercings!

Do you have an SK Love Story to share!? Submit it here for your chance to be featured next.


Hello! Kennedy here, our Social Media Director at SKFJ. The month of February is a fun one – it’s the month of love. And being in the wedding business, we have a lot of love to celebrate. This is why we invented SK Love Stories, where we feature couples that we’ve had the absolute pleasure of working with to create their dream ring(s) to symbolize and celebrate their unique love. I’m chiming in because I personally had the pleasure of working with Emma and John at one of our pop-ups in Chicago. They were one of our first appointments, but one of the most memorable. Emma and John casually strolled into our suite with what felt like the intention to simply play with some shapes and styles. After trying on one certain Annika ring that featured a very special Old European, it was quite obvious it was the one. After some design changes and a very adorable pom-prosal (see below), this lively couple is engaged to be married. Read on for their sweet love story that took place in high-COVID times!

Names: John Barlow + Emma Ward

Current location: Chicago, IL

Meeting date + location: March 2020 – Hinge App

Wedding date + location: November 4, 2023 – Barcelona, Spain

Sofia Kaman Love Story Engagement

Back to the start of all of this – how did you lovebirds meet?

Emma hit on John via Hinge in late-March 2020, right before COVID lockdowns began.

Your first date – give us the details.

After talking for a while on Hinge, we got to the point where we finally decided to meet in person and go on a date. While we were discussing getting something on the calendar, COVID lockdowns began and all of the restaurants and public spaces in Chicago were closed indefinitely. With the typical dates no longer available, John came up with the idea to do a “Facetime date”, where we would both get delivery from the same restaurant, in order to be able to comment on the food so it felt like we were actually dining out together. John would then Venmo Emma the cost of her meal. The date went surprisingly well and we Facetimed late into the night. John was a gentleman and paid as promised. After the success of the Facetime date, we discussed how much we wished we could meet in person. With COVID lockdowns still in place and Chicago’s cold winter still ongoing, options remained limited. John proposed meeting at his place for dinner. In order to make Emma comfortable with the idea, John sent a picture of his driver’s license, to prove his identity and for her to provide friends and family should she go missing. She agreed. Emma was dropped off by her six-foot-tall, D1 water polo player sister, who was going to “handle things” should she not hear back from Emma throughout the night. John greeted Emma at the door in an apron and was preparing soup and homemade bread for dinner. We watched a movie and did a puzzle. The rest is history.

Sofia Kaman Love Story Engagement

When did you first say “I love you”? Who said it first?!

Right away, probably two weeks into dating. We were both equally infatuated. We aren’t sure who said it first, but it was probably John because he’s a Pisces.

How or when did you know that your significant other was the one?

It was very early, probably one or two weeks after meeting and spending time together. Both of our prior relationships had been with toxic, controlling partners. We immediately bonded over how free we felt with each other, our empathetic natures, and our ability to heal and support each other.

Sofia Kaman Love Story Engagement

The proposal – please tell us the story!

Emma had a series of intense, unexpected surgeries the first year of our relationship. John stood by her side and supported her through it all. (This was another factor that showed Emma that John truly was the one). Something that helped Emma through the surgeries was John’s promise that they would get a dog after her final surgery. Enter Monty the teacup Pomeranian. A year into getting Monty, the most precious, tan Pomeranian, they decided he needed a friend. Turns out the breeder still had Monty’s biological brother and sole littermate. It was destiny. Emma flew to Pittsburg to pick up his jet-black brother we named Merlin. ANYWAYS, Emma was getting back from a 12-hour night shift as a labor and delivery nurse, when John let the Pomeranians out in the back yard after she had parked. Monty was wearing a little sign around his neck that said “Marry” and Merlin was wearing a sign that said “Me”. John then came outside wearing a heart-shaped sign around his neck with a “?”. Emma was so stunned (and tired from her shift) she stood there blankly for a second as things registered. Then she immediately walked to John and hugged him. He got down on one knee as the poms ran around them both. It was truly a magical Pom-posal.

What is your favorite thing about your significant other?

Emma loves that John is patient, calm, collected, and a loving attentive Pomeranian/cat dad. Emma also loves that John is a foodie and likes to cook. John loves Emma’s empathetic nature, surprising humor, and constant undying support.

Sofia Kaman Love Story Engagement

Do you have any notable stories that have stood out over the years – hilarious, sentimental, anything!

Since most of our time as a couple was spent in the vacuum of lockdowns, we had a lot of time on our hands. One time we got really into watching seasons of Rue Paul’s Drag Race. Emma does hair and makeup for weddings as a side-gig, so decided to do drag makeup on John, and ended up creating his drag alter ego, “The Duchess of Rockwell”. Another time, John got into a phase (probably about 3 months) where he was absolutely determined to learn how to shuffle dance, as all the cool kids were doing on TikTok. Emma was recovering from one of her surgeries at the time, and John would shuffle dance with flapper hands to make her laugh hilariously. The jury is still out on if he shuffle dances well.

What’s your go-to date night idea?

Ordering in, Pomeranian cuddles, and watching a range of shows or movies depending on our mood. Be it Yellowstone, The Great British Baking Show, or Rue Paul’s Drag Race, we have range. We recently bought a Japanese futon, which allows us to lay on the floor to get extra cozy.

Let’s talk jewels – how did you choose this ring?! Who took the reins on designing or choosing your ring? Give us all the deets.

Both Emma and John wanted a non-cookie cutter, unique, vintage-inspired engagement ring, that was as much of a work of art as a ring (high standards, we know). In the quest for the perfect ring, John stumbled upon Sofia Kaman while searching the web for “Mermaid Style Jewelry”, because Emma has always loved mermaids. John instantly became obsessed because they had the “Mermaid Vibe” (whatever that is) he was looking for. John showed Emma Sofia Kaman’s Instagram and she fell in love. We were planning a trip to Santa Monica to try rings on in person, when destiny struck, and Sofia Kaman did a pop-up event in Chicago. John immediately booked a time to meet. Emma had no idea what she wanted, but Kennedy was amazing and so beyond helpful. We loved so many pieces, but Emma kept going back to one solitaire ring, that had a beautiful Old European Cut diamond as the star. Since Emma works in healthcare, she wanted something low profile she could wear under sterile gloves. The setting of the diamond she fell in love with wasn’t as flush as she wanted, so Kennedy proposed putting the diamond in a Billie setting. We were sold and bought the ring the same day! We can now confirm the Billie setting can be worn with sterile procedure gloves with no issues at all. And of course, it is complemented by ALL the laboring moms on how beautiful it is!

Alright – so what does the future hold for the two of you?! Where do you see yourselves in 5 years?

Creating one big happy family with the addition of human children.

Finally, if you could add any piece to your SKFJ collection, which one would it be?!

We will take them all, thanks. No, Emma likes the Small Melt Ring, Evangeline – Knife Edge Band, Engraved Leaves Band, French Cut Channel Set Band, and the Scalloped Crown Band.

Do you have an SK Love Story to share!? Submit it here for your chance to be featured next.

2022 Holiday Gift Guide

It’s officially the holiday season and our hearts are bursting with excitement. We *passionately* wave hello to garland-adorned entryways, trees dressed in twinkling lights, and the warming sense of hope that fills the atmosphere during this time of year. ‘Tis the season we adore, picturing smiling faces unwrapping golden delights that will carry immense amounts of sentiment for a lifetime and beyond. The Glitter Gals are here to serve and have hand-selected ten of SKFJ’s most gift-able baubles, each one sure to leave hearts swooning this holiday season!

torn paper band with diamond stripe


On the first day of Christmas, you gave to your true love…our coveted Diamond Stripe Torn Paper Band, of course! For those who walk the line of glamour with a touch of bohemian tastes, this eclectic treasure boasts the perfect soft, everyday style and if our history with this piece has taught us anything, it is that it would absolutely be the most loved gift unwrapped this year.



Indicative of the glimmering lights that have inspired Los Angeles’ most infamous alumni, this sexy, spiked layering chain is ideal for the glitzy style maven in your life. If your gifted gal frequently sashays from one glamorous outing to the next, we are positive that this glittering chain is her perfect companion. Equally opulent worn alone as it is paired with other pieces, this glamorous statement piece is sure to be a special adornment under any tree. We’ll cheers to that!



Fit for any earring lover, the paperclip earrings are sure to become the newest quintessential addition to your receiver’s everyday jewelry collection. Glimmering in gold and carefully paved with over one hundred tiny diamonds, there is no better way to start the New Year than being decadently adorned with these chic, sparkling hoops. Minimalism at its finest, we boldly claim that these are the perfect pair of earrings for any woman in search of a dazzling duo that does it all!



This Christmas, you gave them your heart…and by heart, we mean an emerald heart, of course! In celebration of an upcoming year filled with balance, prosperity, and growth, our sweet Harmony collet charm necklace is the perfect piece to gift a loved one at the brink of success. Although, we can’t help but think that this hopeful heart would be the sweetest collectible in any jewelry collection! Adorned with an eye-catching heart-shaped emerald, this delightful bauble is our version of a Holiday miracle.



For those on your nice list….5 glimmering golden stars! A woman without jewelry is like a night sky without stars, so we are sure that this piece is just the thing any whimsical woman in your life has been missing. Utterly sweet and stackable, this band would make for a perfect gift this holiday season.



If there’s one thing we know, it’s that you can’t go wrong with an everyday layering chain. In our hearts, “layering season” isn’t just a season, it’s a lifestyle. If your recipient harbors the same mentality, we highly recommend adding our glossy Paperclip Plate Chain to their jewelry collection this holiday. Minimal with a touch of flair, “The Shimmer” paperclip plate chain nonchalantly suggests, “I’m chic.” We are utterly obsessed with its ability to up the ante on any minimal neck stack while keeping the overall tone neutral and classic! From the bottom of our (golden) hearts, we couldn’t imagine a more perfect gift!



We always say, there is nothing that evokes romance quite like a vintage ring. Brimming with a lifetime of narratives, and an unparalleled charm, we are sure that these heirlooms would be cherished and passed down for generations to come. Romantic and feminine, we think our Victorian pearl ring would make the perfect gift for any romantic soul in your life. A love letter from times past we can’t help but swoon over the thought of this sentimental piece being unwrapped this holiday season!


Give the gift of glimmer! Twinkling with a time-worn charm, our dainty Double Diamond Stud Earrings boast a perfect mix of understated, asymmetric and subtle qualities. For the loved one who appreciates rustic details, a minimal aesthetic and the perfect pinch of sparkle, these sweet studs would undoubtably become the newest go-to’s in your giftee’s jewel box!


We can’t think of a better way to ring (pun intended) in the new year than with a dramatic toss of of confetti! Twinkling with joy, this dazzling band can be worn any which way for a fun surprise of mixed sparkles, or layered up with other diamond bands for a dazzling fun-fetti look. A celebration of a stellar year in 2022 and all that’s to come in 2023, this piece would ultimately be the gift that will leave your recipient cheers-ing to life all night long!



If you anticipate this year ending with the most beautiful gift of all, the promise of forever, then we’ve got you covered. This past year we’ve has the pleasure of working closely with couples near and far to create their unique tokens of love. Many shapes and styles have traveled through our doors and onto loving hands in 2022, but now that the year is coming to a close, we can confidently state that this year was certainly the year of the pear. We believe that this is due to the shapes unique and elongating presence on the finger, but of course, the extra room for sparkle never hurts! Glittering with antique charm and set in our widely-loved Annika style, this 2.48ct unique engagement ring would absolutely make any lover’s heart burst with unbridled joy!

Still feeling lost? SKFJ’s Glitter Gals have you covered! Shop our extensive curated holiday collection filled with sparkles and cheer HERE or feel free to email us at for any personalized recommendations. Happy shopping!

Dishing on Lab Made Diamonds: Our Top 3 Reasons to Treasure One!

unique engagement ring, lab made diamondsSKFJ Glitter Gals here with a very important message for our jewel loving bunch… the votes are in and lab is not drab! While we can’t argue with the allure of one of nature’s sparkliest miracles…a natural diamond, we also feel the need to communicate the benefits of  lab grown diamond rings. Over the past years, we’ve been thrilled to create a myriad of lifelong treasures with sustainability in mind using lab made diamonds. As their popularity continues to rise, so do the questions that come with the territory. Lack of proper education has lead to a some skepticism surrounding them. With the release of our newest engagement ring drop of lab grown diamond engagement rings, we figured it was the perfect time to share what we believe are the Top 3 Reasons these glimmering diamond alternatives are taking the jewelry world by storm!

unique engagement ring, lab made diamonds


In our modern age of electric cars and advanced solar energy, the world continues to push an eco-conscious state of mind and many industries (jewelry included) have had to step back and reassess their ways. It’s no secret that the diamond mining industry has been associated with unethical practices, and many conscientious brides-to-be are in search of more sustainable options. Not only do lab made diamonds avoid the damages to the earth incurred with mining, but one of our lab grown suppliers, Diamond Foundry, has discovered an additional way to help the environment. They have developed proprietary plasma reactors that source their carbon from nasty greenhouse gases (like methane) crystallizing it into diamonds! So, if you are after an ecological choice with the same sparkle and benefits of a natural diamond, lab made diamonds may just be the perfect option.

unique engagement ring, lab made diamonds


Say it with us now – lab grown diamonds are chemically, physically, and optically identical to natural diamonds. The durability and sparkle that makes diamonds the coveted choice for unique engagement rings remains the same whether the diamond is earth made or lab grown. Available in all shapes, sizes, and cuts, they offer the same benefits as natural diamonds in nearly every avenue. It is imperative to note the distinction between lab made diamonds and diamond simulants, such as cubic zirconia and moissanite. Lab made diamonds are 100% pure carbon crystal while simulants do not harbor the same chemical and physical properties as natural diamonds. When natural diamonds are formed in the earth’s mantle, it is through extremely high pressure and temperature. This occurrence causes the element carbon to rearrange on an atomic level, and thus take on the solid form of a diamond. Lab made diamonds have the exact same composition as natural diamonds, except that simply, they are diamonds created in a lab.  They walk like a diamond, talk like a diamond, shine like a diamond; one could even say that they are carbon-copies (pun intended)!  And, just like natural diamonds, once they have been created, cut, and shaped, lab diamonds are sent to an independent gem lab to be certified by an expert.

unique engagement ring, lab made diamonds


Put simply, lab made diamonds offer all of the delicious sparkle that we know and love at a fraction of the price. If you are after a large carat size and/or a whiter stone for your unique engagement ring, those 2 factors make the largest contribution to both the visual impact and to the cost of the ring.  Generally speaking, lab diamond engagement rings are usually 30-40% less expensive than natural diamonds, allowing your budget to perhaps reach those larger sizes and more colorless stones. Feel fabulous rocking your chunky sparkler knowing that you have made a conscious choice. Head to our Instagram or Lab Grown section to see how these beauties shine, and maybe pick one of your own to treasure forever!